I’ve earned the Oasis Hunter award for making 20 contacts with stations activating K-4575 Old Spanish National Historic Trail. K7CAR activated the park for all 20 of my QSOs with him.
Category: Amateur Radio
What’s the point of radiograms? Really? Emergency communications? Haha. I was at the hamfest on March 18th and someone told me they heard a message passed for me on a recent traffic…
Trinidad & Tabago 9Y4DG on 30m FT8
Up at 5am and I answered a CQ from 9Y4DG, followed by being swarmed with stations from Japan calling me on 30m.
Rwanda 9X5RU on 15m FT8
I was hearing Rwanda calling on 15m, so I sent the standard TX1 the first exchange, but decided to start with TX2 the next 2 cycles. It worked as they sent a…
Sable Island CY0S on 30m FT8
Sable Island CY0S is active for the next week. I was hearing them earlier today on 12m, but wasn’t able to break through the pile-ups. Saw a spot on the CADXA Slack…
W1AW/7 Arizona Week
ARRL Volunteer on the Air week in Arizona has come to a close. I had a good time operating as W1AW/7. I focused on digital FT8/FT4 only. The next week is in…
W1AW/7 on Saturday Night
I operated as W1AW/7 on 10m FT8 today for 2 hours between 3pm and 5pm AZ time (3/18 22:00 to 24:00 UTC). In those 2 hours, I completed 66 QSO. Later, on…
Scottsdale SpringFest
The Scottsdale SpringFest was today. I made my normal rounds and chatted with everyone. Here are a few photos I captured.