Category: Amateur Radio
POTA – DX Hunter 10
I’ve worked DX POTA from the following: Alaska, Australia, Canada, China, Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Sable Is, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, and United States Of America.
POTA – Wiggin’s Acalpha
As a hunter, I’ve reached the milestone of 700 parks worked.
POTA – Passerculus Sandwichensis Princeps
The award for Passerculus Sandwichensis Princeps, Sable Island showed up on my account for CA-CY0 – All units worked. On March 22, 2023, I worked CY0S DXpedition on VE-0120 Sable Island National…
POTA – Early Shift Hunter 200
I’ve passed the milestone of making 200 early shift QSOs with park activators.
APRS writing K7VZ in Phoenix
Evan and I spent 7 hours today, 163 miles, over $50 in gas to draw K7VZ across Phoenix using APRS.
POTA – Oasis Hunter K-1909
I’ve earned the Oasis Hunter award for making 20 contacts with stations activating K-1909 Oscar Scherer State Park. KD4MZM activated the park for all 20 of my QSOs with him.