K7ZV was calling CQ on 17m FT8.
Month: June 2023
ARRL Field Day 2023
Evan KK7MGL and Virgil K7VZ drove up to Heber, AZ on Saturday to participate in ARRL Field Day with the WA2DFI/W7BSA crew. Band conditions were a challenge, but we managed operating mostly…
POTA – Fox Den Hunter K-4575
I’ve earned the Fox Den Hunter award for making a QSO with K7CAR at K-4575 Old Spanish National Historic Trail over 40 times.
Evan KK7MGL and Marcia K7AZM have been studying for the General and both passed this morning. The pressure was on to test before the question pool changes next month.
Ducie Island VP6A on 10m FT8
Evan KK7MGL was able to work VP6A from his Icom IC-7300 and the hex beam antenna. Following, Virgil K7VZ was able to work them from the Flex 6600M and 43′ vertical.